summer head injury

Summer Fun and Safety: Protecting Your Vision After a Head Injury

Summer brings sunshine, vacations, and a surge in outdoor activities. But with this increased activity comes a rise in head injuries, including concussions. As a neuro-optometric vision rehabilitation provider, we see firsthand the impact these injuries can have on vision, even if the initial symptoms seem mild.

Summer Activities and Head Injury Risk

Many popular summer activities can pose a risk for head injuries and concussions. Some of them can include:

  • Biking, skateboarding, and rollerblading: These activities are a recipe for falls and bumps to the head, especially for beginners.
  • Water sports: Diving accidents, collisions with other swimmers or objects, and even roughhousing in or around the pool or slippery decks can all lead to head injuries.
  • Sports: Football, baseball, soccer, and even seemingly low-impact sports like softball all carry a risk of collisions and head-to-head contact or falls.
  • ATVing and horseback riding: These activities can result in serious accidents if proper safety precautions aren’t taken.
  • Hiking and Climbing: A misstep on a trail or a fall while rock climbing can cause a serious head injury.
  • Road Trips: Vacations are common in the summer but with all those extra cars on the road, it is especially important to drive safely and pay attention. Auto accidents are one of the leading causes of head injuries.

Safety Tips to Avoid a Head Injury This Summer

While the previously-mentioned activities can be risky, they do not have to be avoided. In fact, with the proper precautions, you can enjoy all the fun the summer season has to offer!

  • Always wear a properly fitted helmet for any activity with a risk of falls or collisions.
  • Be aware of your surroundings and avoid distractions while biking, skateboarding, or engaging in water sports.
  • Practice water safety by learning proper diving techniques, never diving headfirst into shallow water and watching kids closely around pools and slippery areas.
  • Follow safety rules in sports and avoid unnecessary risks.
  • Always wear a seat belt when travelling in a car in case of an accident.

Concussion Symptoms to Watch For

Concussions can manifest in various ways, and it’s essential to recognize the symptoms early. Therefore, if you have experienced any kind of collision or blow to the head, watch for these common signs:

  • Blurred or double vision
  • Difficulty focusing your eyes
  • Light or noise sensitivity
  • Dizziness or balance problems
  • Issues with eye movements or tracking
  • Depth perception issues
  • Loss of peripheral vision
  • Headache
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Confusion or forgetfulness
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Feeling sluggish, groggy or slowed down
  • Mood or personality changes
  • A general feeling that something is not right
  • Difficulty with sleep

Remember that concussion symptoms may appear immediately, or they can develop over days, weeks or even months following an injury.

Vision Rehabilitation Following a Concussion

Even if your vision seems normal after a head injury, it’s important to see a neuro-optometric vision rehabilitation specialist for an exam. Concussions can disrupt the way your brain processes visual information, leading to problems with tracking, focusing, and eye teaming (coordination between your eyes). These issues can impact your daily life and ability to return to work or school.

At Family Vision Development Center our specialists have advanced training in treating post-concussive vision disorders and we can:

  • Assess your visual function to identify any post-concussion vision problems.
  • Develop a personalized treatment plan to address these issues, which may include vision therapy exercises or training to improve eye teaming and focusing skills.
  • Monitor your progress and ensure you make a full recovery.

Don’t let a summer concussion sideline your vision! By taking precautions during your favorite activities and seeking proper vision rehabilitation after a head injury, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable summer and a full recovery for your visual health. Contact our office at 630-862-2020 with any questions or to schedule an appointment.


Family Vision Development Center is a full-service vision center offering innovative vision therapy services, sports vision therapy services, post-concussive vision rehabilitation, comprehensive vision exams for eyeglasses and contact lenses, management of ocular diseases including glaucoma, diabetes, macular degeneration and cataracts, and a state-of-the-art optical center offering the latest designs in eyewear.

